원격의료 양식

{제목} 정보

Telehealth forms help healthcare practices schedule virtual appointments with patients and collect medical records, informed consent, fee payments, and other important health data online. Whether you’re part of a doctor’s office, teletherapy practice, or dermatology center, you can use Jform’s free telemedicine forms to securely gather important patient information and diagnose conditions through your website. Simply choose a readymade form template from the list below, customize it to match your practice by adding your logo and updating form fields, then embed it in your website or share it via email to start collecting info online.

To help keep sensitive health data protected, be sure to sign up for HIPAA compliance features by signing a Business Associate Agreement (BAA). You can even automatically send form submissions to other platforms you’re already using, like Google Calendar, Dropbox, Google Drive, and more. Jform offers an all-in-one solution to collect important info from your patients online — so take your telemedicine practice to the next level with our free Telehealth Forms.

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