Process Online Form Responses
Jform 테이블
When a spreadsheet isn’t enough for your team
Collect, organize, and manage data in an all-in-one workspace. Share in one click for seamless collaboration. See your data differently with Jform Tables.
2분 안에 Jform 테이블을 둘러보세요!
Transform your data into a powerful workspace in seconds.
가능성은 무궁무진합니다!
응답을 수집하고 제출 데이터로 테이블을 자동으로 채우는 온라인 양식을 만드세요.
Import Existing Data
CSV 또는 Excel 파일을 Jform 테이블로 직접 가져와서 기존 데이터로 작업하세요.
Enter Data Manually
직접 새 항목을 추가하거나 진행하면서 테이블을 업데이트하세요!
Sync responses from connected forms, import data, or enter data manually into Jform Tables, search and filter your data, add formulas and calculations, request and share submission edits, send data to other platforms, automatically create PDFs, and collaborate with teammates in a powerful all-in-one workspace.