서비스 피드백 양식

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Gather feedback to improve your services, better retain customers, and boost your profits! With Jform’s free Service Feedback Forms, you can get feedback from customers or clients through a seamless online form that works great on any device. To get started, choose a free template below. Then customize it with Jform’s drag-and-drop form builder to perfectly match your needs, and share the form with a link or embed it in your site to start collecting responses.

Add your business logo, include extra questions, and personalize the design to match your branding in a few easy clicks with no coding required. All responses will be stored securely in your Jform account, ready to view instantly in Jform Tables as a spreadsheet or separate cards — you can even turn feedback into reports automatically with Jform Report Builder! Ditch paper forms and speed up the way you collect feedback from customers with Jform’s free Service Feedback Forms.