Free Logistics Forms

Go paperless and create your own digital logistics forms for free with Jotform. Just drag and drop to build custom forms to help improve your company’s logistics and supply chain management process. Share your mobile-ready forms with users and instantly store their responses in your secure online account.


Free Logistics Form Templates

Don’t want to start from scratch? Choose from one of our readymade logistics form templates and customize it in seconds with our no-code Form Builder. Simply drag and drop to add or change form elements, upload your own branding, and more.

Delivery Note Form

Template 212842638149057

Manufacturing Supply Chain Form

Template 211732867456059

Logistics Inquiry Form

Template 211155900183043


Automate your Logistics Processes

Collect Data Online

Ditch the paperwork and start collecting supply chain data online with Jform’s powerful logistics forms. Create custom forms for each step in the supply chain — from manufacturing to delivery — and see how Jform can help you increase productivity and streamline your logistics processes.

어떤 기기와도 호환됩니다

All forms powered by Jform are mobile-responsive by default, so users can access and fill out your logistics forms from any device — be it smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer.

공유하기 용이함

Share your forms by embedding a link in your website, sending invitation emails, or by sharing the form link with others to begin collecting submissions right away.

Store & Manage Responses

Form submissions are automatically synced and stored in your secure Jform account. From there, you can organize and manage your responses in an easy-to-read spreadsheet using Jform Tables, which offers table, calendar, and card views.


Jform에 대한 사용자의 의견

저는 많은 고객들과 Jform을 사용하지만 이것의 가장 큰 도움을 받는 두 고객 층은 의료 자선 단체와 테니스 코칭 회사입니다. 저는 등록 정보를 수집하고 멤버십 신청 상태의 변경에 따라 유발되는 작업 흐름을 관리할 수 있는 Jform의 유연성을 좋아합니다. 이것들은 제 고객들이 관리 과정을 간소화하고 그 비용을 줄일 수 있게 해줍니다.

Iwona Batterberry, 컨설턴트, Brainwaves Gravy

Jform으로 양식 만드는 방법

Creating an online form shouldn’t be difficult. Jform’s intuitive online form builder lets anyone create forms in seconds, perfect for collecting registrations, applications, orders, and more. In just a couple of minutes, watch how easy it is to make your first form from scratch.

How to Create a Form with Jform
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