양식 공유
Easily share your online form or survey with your audience. Add your forms to your website without any coding, share the app link, or send email invites to start receiving submissions.
소셜미디어에서 양식 공유
Either add social media sharing buttons to your form or simply share it directly with your audience on social media to increase your brand awareness with Jform!
양식 공유하위 도메인/사용자 지정 도메인
Create custom form URLs to match your company website and make your forms memorable. Custom domain options are included in all Jform Enterprise accounts.
엔터프라이즈Lightbox 양식
Make your forms stand out with Jform’s lightbox integration. Share a link on your website and visitors can fill out your form from within a fully-customizable lightbox.
양식 공유