
9개의 Jform 기능
Automate your workflow by connecting your online forms and surveys to the tools you already use. Jform offers integrations with 100+ apps to automatically send form submissions exactly where you want them — and you can even create your own Jform integration!

결제 대행사

Collect payment by forms using Jform's Payment Gateway Integrations.


클라우드 스토리지 통합

Jform provides you to integrate your form with Cloud Storage Platforms.


이메일 마케팅 도구들

Jform’s email marketing integrations make it easy to gather information, payments, and files online and send them to your email marketing software automatically! Connect with popular email marketing tools like Mailchimp, Constant Contact, ActiveCampaign, and more.


CRM 통합

수동으로 연락처를 입력하는 시간을 줄이고 리드를 변환하는 데 더 많은 시간을 투자하세요. 새로운 리드와 연락처를 HubSpot, Salesforce 등과 같은 CRM 데이터베이스에 즉시 동기화하는 비즈니스용 연락처 양식을 만들어보세요!


프로젝트 관리 소프트웨어 통합

Project Management integrations help send information from Jform to the work collaboration platform, eliminating the need of manual entry.


생산성 도구

강력한 온라인 양식으로 시간을 절약하고 생산성을 높이세요. Airtable, Slack, monday.com 등과 같은 귀하가 선호하는 생산성 도구들과 통합하여 귀하의 생산성 양식들을 향상시키세요.


CMS 통합

Use Jform’s free CMS integrations to easily embed your forms in some of the web’s most widely used content management systems.


API 및 Webhook

Power your applications with Jform’s API. Create integrations and gain access to form data, user statistics, and more.


자동화 통합

Simplify your workflow with Jform's automation integrations. Instantly transfer data to your preferred platforms, eliminating manual entry.
