Change the Required form warning language

    2023년 12월 6일 오후 7:07에 질문함

    필수 항목 미입력 시 영문으로 뜨는 경고 메세지를,
    한글 메세지고 뜨게 할수 있나요? 

  • Nora Jform Support
    2023년 12월 7일 오전 2:09에 응답함

    Hi YMJLAB,

    Thanks for reaching out to us for help. Since we don't currently have Korean support agents, we'll be replying to you in English. But please let us know if you need any clarifications, and we'll try our best to explain the issue more clearly.

    As your form is already set to English and you're not using the Form Translation functionality, the warning messages will be displayed in English. To customize them in Korean, you can go to the Form Warnings section in your form's Settings and make the necessary adjustments. Let me show you how:

    • In Form Builder in the orange navigation bar at the top of the page, click on Settings.
    • Click on Show More Options, and click on the Edit button on the Form Warnings section. There you can see and edit all the form warnings.
    • Once you're done with the translations, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on ave Changes. That's it.

    Change the Required form warning language Image 1 Screenshot 20

    Give it a try and let us know if you need more help.