업로드 용량의 기준이 무엇인가요?

  • ThevitOffice
    2024년 4월 6일 오전 2:45에 질문함

    현재 브론즈를 사용하고 있습니다.

    여러모로 폼을 잘 쓰고 있는데 1기가바이트의 용량이 어떤 기준으로 설정되는지 알고 싶습니다.

    용량이 부족해보여 제출물을 삭제했는데도 불구하고 업로드 용량은 줄지 않아서 그저 업그레이드를 해야만 하는 상황인가요? 아니면 1달 지날 때마다 리셋되는 것인가요?

  • Frédéric Jform Support
    2024년 4월 6일 오전 5:44에 응답함

    Hi ThevitOffice,

    Thanks for reaching out to Jform Support. Unfortunately, our Korean Support agents are busy helping other Jform users at the moment. I'll try to help you in English using Google Translate, but you can reply in whichever language you feel comfortable using. Or, if you'd rather have support in Korean, let us know and we can have them do that. But, keep in mind that you'd have to wait until they're available again.

    Now, let me help you with your question. The upload space limit for your Bronze plan is set to 1 GB. This limit is the maximum space available for your files, independently to time or a period of time. If you want to free your space usage, you need to delete your forms submissions data and their attached uploaded files, and then, since the deleted submissions and files still in the Trash for 30 days, you need to purge the Trash. Let me show you how to do it. 

    1. Go to MyForms page and select the forms for which you want to delete the submissions.
    2. Click on ten button Submissions at the top of the forms list.업로드 용량의 기준이 무엇인가요? Image 1 Screenshot 50
    3. Select the entries to delete.
    4. Click on the button Delete on the right side.
    5. In the confirmation window, click on Move to Trash.업로드 용량의 기준이 무엇인가요? Image 2 Screenshot 61

    After being deleted, the submissions and their attached files will be available for 30 days in the Trash to allow you to restore them. If you want to free your upload space, you need to permanently delete the Trashed entries.

    1. In the Tables page of a form, click on the three-dot icon.
    2. In the menu opening, select Trashed entries.업로드 용량의 기준이 무엇인가요? Image 3 Screenshot 72
    3. In the Trash panel opening on the right, choose the submissions to delete, and click on Delete Forever.
    4. Finally, in the confirmation dialog, click on Delete.업로드 용량의 기준이 무엇인가요? Image 4 Screenshot 83

    You might also want to check out this guide about How to Delete Form Submission Data, and this guide about Understanding Your Account Usage and Limits.

    Give it a try and let us know how it goes.