Can you help me? I want to know insert pdf name that is current date about the other form.

  • ygshin
    2024년 2월 17일 오전 12:33에 질문함

    Thank you very much!

    Then, I have a question.

    Question to insert [submission date] is that I want to see the date in pdf name when all approval is end.Can you help me? I want to know insert pdf name that is current  date about  the other form Screenshot 20

    Exporting pdf file is first form, but pdf file name need the other form's date.

    I need to help. Please.

    Thank you very much.

    I will test your program sevral times, I'll use your program deeply. Thank you very much.

    Your program is very esay and so kind.

  • Mahmoud Jform Support
    2024년 2월 17일 오전 3:15에 응답함

    Hi ygshin, 

    Thanks for reaching out to Jform Support. You can use the PDF for the first form to send it to the mentioned step for your approval. Let me show you how:

    • In Approval Builder, click on the Envelop icon on the right side of the Email element.
    • Then, in the Email Properties, under the Advanced tab, toggle Attach PDF to ON.
    • Select your first form PDF, and click on Save.

    Can you help me? I want to know insert pdf name that is current  date about  the other form Screenshot 30

    Regarding using the name from the second form, Unfortunately, this is not possible in the PDF. You can do this in the email sent to the user by using the first email name field:

    • In Approval Builder, click on the Envelop icon on the right side of the Email element.
    • Then, in the Email Properties, under the Email tab, you can add Form Fields from the first or second form.

    Can you help me? I want to know insert pdf name that is current  date about  the other form Screenshot 41

    Give it a try and let us know if you are looking for something else.