향신료 온라인 판매

Create your own online store for spices and seasonings with Jform Store Builder. Whether you’re just starting a seasoning company to sell spices online or you already have a seasoning and spices business, Jform Store Builder can help. You can add your products, customize your online store to match your branding, and start selling your spices quickly, with 40+ different payment processors to pick from.


Explore Free Spice Store Templates

Need some inspiration? Choose one of our ready-made store app templates to get started. Jform’s easy-to-use, drag-and-drop, no-code store builder makes it simple to customize your store in minutes.

로컬 푸드 앱

Template local-food-app

전자상거래 앱 템플릿

Template ecommerce-app-template


Jform으로 온라인 판매 시작

Create your online spices store

With Jform Store Builder, you can create an online shop and start selling spices in minutes. Showcase your products and add payment integrations to start selling your unique seasonings. You can also include feedback forms to collect important customer insights.

Manage your store

Oversee your online spice store in one centralized place. Track orders from start to finish. Add a link to your website and include forms to collect orders, feedback, and contact information. View all form responses in your Jform account.

Share your spices store

Increase your brand awareness and share your online store with customers. Once your app is ready, share it through a link, on social media, or via a scannable QR code, or embed it directly into your website.

Choose your payment gateway

Easily process payments and conduct e-commerce for your online spices shop. Pick from any of our 25+ payment processors like Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal, Stripe, or Square — just to name a few.

제품 추가

Add products, online forms, documents, image slides, and links to your app with our drag-and-drop app builder.

유연한 앱 디자이너

Customizing your own online store to match your brand has never been easier with our no-code Jform Store Builder.

푸시 알림으로 매출 증대

실시간 푸시 알림을 보내 고객에게 특별 행사, 신제품, 기간 한정 할인에 대한 알림을 보내 매장 성과를 극대화하세요.

Track your orders

Oversee all your orders with easy-to-use Jform Tables — view order details in a spreadsheet, a calendar, or easy-to-read cards.

맞춤 설정 URL들

Create a URL that’s as unique as your spices store — include your spice store name for a professional and customized look and feel.

모든 기기와 호환

Create an online store that works on smartphones, tablets, and desktops — Android and iOS device friendly.

Learn More about Online Seasoning Business

All your questions about selling spices online are answered. Check out our FAQs for answers to common questions, or contact our support team for further information.

How can I sell spices online with Jform Store Builder?

You can sell spices online from your own personalized store made with Jform Store Builder. Just set up a Jform account, create your store app, list your spices, and watch the orders come in.

Is selling spices online profitable?

Yes, it’s absolutely profitable to sell spices online! Follow food trends closely, advertise your business, pick your spices carefully, and start turning profits.

What types of seasoning products can I sell?

Any type of spices you like! Jform Store Builder makes your online store fully customizable, so you can update your app’s products to sell anything your business offers. A few of the products you can sell include:

  • Paprika
  • Nutmeg
  • Cumin
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Rosemary
  • Oregano
  • Cinnamon
  • Thyme
  • Garlic powder
  • Black pepper
  • Maldon salt
  • Red pepper flakes
  • Cardamom
  • Turmeric
  • Anise
  • Clove


Jform에 대한 사용자의 의견

인트라넷과 같이 고객이나 사업체들을 위한 원스톱 상점입니다. 저는 개발자 경력이 없지만 시각적으로 매력적이고 사용자 친화적인 앱을 만드는 것은 쉽습니다.

Nicole Wreaks, 컨텐츠 제작 및 비즈니스 개발, Ewyn Studios