HIPAA-Friendly Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets are a great way to store and organize important medical data in one easily accessible place — but just how secure are they? To keep sensitive patient data safe, see which popular online spreadsheet apps offer HIPAA compliance features with our free HIPAA compliance checker. Jform makes it easy to collect important medical data, files, and payments via custom online forms and instantly sync them to your spreadsheets. You’ll never have to manually transfer data between accounts again, saving you time that’s better spent saving lives.

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Google Sheets

Google Sheets has stated that it enables HIPAA compliance. Google Sheets also offers a range of security features including access controls, auditing, and encryption.Google Sheets is part of Google Workspace, which uses high-level encryption to protect patient health information (PHI). While Google Sheets offers HIPAA-friendly security features, covered entities are responsible for maintaining the right security settings. Your healthcare organization must configure Google Sheets to enable HIPAA compliance.Admin console logs and reports are an important part of HIPAA security for Google Sheets and all other apps in Google Workspace. Use these tools to monitor user collaboration, examine security risks, track sign-ins, and analyze activity. Administrators can set alerts for activities like suspicious login attempts, suspending users, activating a suspended user, adding a new user, changing a password, and granting or revoking admin privileges.In Google Sheets, administrators set visibility and access permissions for both files and folders. These settings also manage the sharing and editing capabilities of collaborators.When using Google Apps, administrators can separate user access for team members who manage PHI. This feature allows an administrator to activate or deactivate specific services for users. For example, since Google+ and YouTube don’t enable HIPAA compliance, administrators should turn off these apps. Also, consider disabling third-party applications and add-ons from third-party developers.