Property and Tenant Information Form

Simplify the way you gather important information and documents from prospective and current tenants with a free online Property and Tenant Information Form.

드래그 빌더

양식 디자인

Build an online property or tenant info form without any coding. Drag and drop to add form fields for contact information, file attachments, e-signatures, and more.

Instant Submissions

Embed or share your form

Start collecting submissions by embedding your form in your website, sharing the form URL, or assigning it to clients via email address.

Jform 테이블

Manage submissions anywhere

Organize client information and files using Jform Tables. Track and sort form submissions in an all-in-one database with spreadsheet, calendar, and card view.

Jform PDF 편집기

Generate PDFs automatically

Turn form responses into professional, personalized PDFs. Customize a premade contract or agreement template to convert submissions into PDFs that are easy to download, print, and share.