Rental Payment Form

Collect recurring rent payments from tenants with a free Rental Payment Form that integrates with your preferred payment provider.

드래그 빌더

양식 디자인

Create an online form as beautiful as your property without any coding! Drag and drop to update color schemes, add helpful form fields for appointments, collect e-signatures, and more.

Instant Submissions

양식 공유 또는 임베드

Once you’ve customized your form, start collecting submissions by embedding it directly in your website or sharing the form URL.

Jform 테이블

Manage submissions anywhere

Organize client information and files with Jform Tables. Keep track of submissions in an all-in-one database you can view as a spreadsheet, calendar, or easy-to-read cards.

Jform PDF 편집기

Auto-generate PDFs

Whether you need to generate PDFs for purchase agreements, sales contracts, or loan applications, do it automatically with Jform PDF Editor. Customize a readymade PDF template with your branding or terms and conditions, and sync it with your online form to instantly turn submissions into custom PDFs — easy to download and share.