Electronic Signatures for Governments

Deliver services faster by taking your paperwork online with Jform Sign. Create documents and give members of the public the ability to sign them seamlessly on any device. Save time and money — and prevent errors — by automating your government agency’s workflow.



Government E-Sign Templates

Not sure where to start? Explore our ready-made templates to start collecting signatures online in minutes.

Proof of Unemployment Letter Sample

Template proof-of-unemployment-letter-sample
Template proof-of-unemployment-letter-sample

Community Service Contract

Template community-service-contract
Template community-service-contract


Template tax-deduction-letter
Template tax-deduction-letter


Free Government E-Signature Collector

Collect Signatures Faster

Eliminate messy paperwork by collecting government documents online. Simply create a document, send it to signers, and track completed documents with ease.

Save Time with Automation

No need to waste time completing manual tasks or correcting errors by hand — automate your government workflow with Jform Sign’s custom email invitation settings.

모든 기기에서 작동

Give members of the public the option to complete government paperwork from their own computer, tablet, or smartphone.

데이터를 안전하게 지키세요

For government agencies, data security is a top priority — and with Jform Sign, you can rest assured knowing your data is protected by industry-leading security features.

Government Use Cases

Discover how your government agency can use Jform Sign to power up your workflow.

Employee Onboarding and Offboarding

Make your agency’s employee hiring and offboarding processes as smooth as possible by collecting the necessary paperwork online.

Loan and Grant Management

Collect loan and grant applications — along with all the necessary details and e-signatures — to create an organized online database of all applications.

법률 비즈니스 문서

Rest assured you’re gathering data for your legal department safely with Jform’s advanced data security measures.


Jform offers plan options that enable HIPAA compliance, so you can keep sensitive medical data and e-signatures protected in line with HIPAA requirements.