비영리단체용 전자서명

Automate your nonprofit’s processes and spend more time focusing on your mission with Jform Sign. Increase your impact by helping more clients, speeding up operations, and easily processing donations. Upgrade all parts of your nonprofit and simplify communication with donors, volunteers, clients, and others.



Nonprofit E-sign Templates

Need help creating the right document for your nonprofit? We’ve got you covered. Pick one of our ready-made nonprofit e-signature templates and customize it to your liking. Integrate with payment processors, add widgets, then send to your audience!

비영리단체 기부 동의 템플릿

Template nonprofit-donation-consent-template
Template nonprofit-donation-consent-template

비영리사업 제안 템플릿

Template nonprofit-business-proposal-template
Template nonprofit-business-proposal-template

수령된 기부금에 대한 감사 편지

Template letter-of-thank-you-for-donation-received
Template letter-of-thank-you-for-donation-received


무료 비영리 전자서명 수집기

다목적인 비영리 수단

Get everything done in one centralized workplace. Upload documents, add fillable fields, assign fields to signers, customize your documents, and more. You can even integrate your nonprofit’s documents with payment processors and other widgets to collect donations and schedule appointments.

원활한 협업

Foster a more collaborative workplace with Jform Sign. Add multiple signers, change and assign roles for documents, and more. View the signing process from start to finish and oversee all data easily.

모든 기기에서 작동

Gather donations from anywhere! Offer donors and volunteers the digital experience they deserve with an easy-to-use, mobile-friendly online process. Your donors and volunteers can access your e-sign documents from their tablets, computers, and phones.

데이터 보안

Never worry about data being leaked or stolen with Jform Sign’s encrypted, secure documents. Jform keeps data safe with a built-in 256-bit SSL connection, GDPR and PCI compliance, and multiple encryption options and anti-spam fields.

비영리 사용 사례

Use Jform Sign to collect signatures and donations, manage data and members, and more.

자원봉사 관리

Get volunteers signed up seamlessly with Jform Sign. Create a volunteer form and schedule interviews in one central place. Send new volunteers an agreement with your policies laid out, and collect signatures in minutes.

멤버쉽 관리

Track and manage your nonprofit’s members. Store their personal data securely in your Jform account for easy reference. You can even set up recurring notifications that go out when membership fees are due.

Beneficiary Onboarding Process

Keep track of your nonprofit’s beneficiaries easily with Jform Sign Inbox. As new beneficiaries access your services, send them your nonprofit’s onboarding form and start collecting their information and signatures online.

Financial and Legal Documentation

Keep all your nonprofit’s contracts and agreements organized with Jform Sign. Create reports, manage invoices and donations, and send receipts to your donors.