가장 간편한 온라인 양식 빌더에 가입하고 모든 멤버십에서 50% 할인을 받으세요.

Jform is teaming up with Digi Discounts to automate your busywork. Jform is an easy-to-use online form builder that lets you create and publish powerful online forms for seamless data collection.


Sign up for Jform today and get 50% off your first year when selecting an annual paid plan.


양식 템플릿 예시

Jform offers the largest selection of free-form templates available online for many different industries. You can find form templates related to Marketing, Branding, Businesses, Lead Generation, and many more to streamline your workflow by reducing needless paperwork.

제품 주문 양식

Template 200443790831957

Customer Feedback

Template customer-feedback

Summer Camp Detailed Registration Form

Template summer-camp-detailed-registration-form

See why Jform is trusted by 25+ million users

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Jform에 대한 사용자의 의견

The ability to collect signatures, customize forms, and create approval flows are great. I also like that the submissions are in a table format, which can be used to create a customized PDF report. Also, the ability to make an app using the forms is a great feature.

Niaj M., Accounts Administrator,

저희는 Jform 엔터프라이즈를 사용하는 것이 얼마나 쉬운지 매우 놀랐습니다. 많은 복잡함과 불확실성을 접하는 관리자들과 직원들에게 이것은 신선한 경험입니다.

Alissa Kline, 알리사 클라인, <strong>위원회 보좌관</strong>, KLMCarpenters, KLMCarpenters

Disclaimer: Digi Discounts users will get 50% off their first year of Jform when selecting an annual paid plan for the first 24 hours. At the completion of the annual period, users will be billed the regular price for the service. Visit the Jform pricing page for more details. This is a 24-hour limited offer and valid for new Jform customers only. This offer is not transferable and it is not valid for the Enterprise plan.